Sketch Map 2, 2014, UV print on textile wallpaper, 350 x 258 cm

Sketch Map 1, 2014, UV print on textile wallpaper, 350 x 258 cm

Vitrine: Reference Material, 2007–2014, drawings, prints, and writings, 240 x 83 cm

The Hasselt Projection, 2014, vinyl lettering on satellite image, 340 x 468 cm

Biles Vicinities, 2010, inkjet print on blue-back paper, 137 x 190 cm

Over Brussels, BE, 2012, marker drawing on map, 74 x 100 cm

Around the Neighborhood, NL, 2008, marker drawing on map, 84 x 118 cm

Thread Your Way, 2005 / 2014, artist’s book, 20 x 29 cm

Moment’s Notice, 2007, artist’s book, 10.5 x 29.4 cm

Dead Leg, Zandvoort, NL, 2005, marker drawing on paper, 102 x 72 cm

Rally Way, Zandvoort, NL, 2005, marker drawing on paper, 102 x 72 cm

Landschap, Zandvoort, NL, 2005, marker drawing on paper, 102 x 72 cm

Inverse Leo Belgicus, 2010, marker drawing on paper, 130 x 100 cm

The Writing of the Sea, North Sea, 2007, marker drawing on paper, 126 x 100 cm

Fynland, 2014, (series of 12) screen print on paper, 21 x 29.7 cm

Fynland, 2014, (series of 12) screen print on paper, 21 x 29.7 cm

Fynland, 2014, (series of 12) screen print on paper, 21 x 29.7 cm

Hydrographym, 2009, marker drawing on paper, 130 x 100 cm

Behind the Scenes, Nürnberg, DE, 2006, marker drawing and lithography on paper, 93 x 72 cm

Behind the Scenes, Nürnberg, DE, 2006, marker drawing and lithography on paper, 93 x 72 cm

Ordrup Mose, DK: Time Scale, 2005/2014, series of marker drawings on paper, 28.4 x 27.5 cm

Antiqua Travel Net, 2011, marker drawing on paper, 150 x 100 cm

Techny Copy, 2007, marker drawing on paper, 100 x 150 cm

Riguel MNE, 2007, marker drawing on paper, 100 x 150 cm

Viva Babbelkot, 2011, marker drawing on paper, 140 x 150 cm

Paris Lines, 2014, UV print on textile wallpaper (detail)

Paris Lines, 2014, UV print on textile wallpaper, various dimensions

Paris Lines, 2014, drawings on paper, various dimensions

Paris Lines, 2014, drawings on paper (detail)

Atlas Writing, 2012, (series of 9) woodcut print on Japanese paper, 64 x 53 cm

Atlas Writing, 2012, (series of 9) woodcut print on Japanese paper, 64 x 53 cm

Atlas Writing, 2012, (series of 9) woodcut print on Japanese paper, 64 x 53 cm

Vitrine: Selected Artist’s Books, 2004–2013